China pledges efforts to combat lawyer misconduct

来源:纵横网 浏览量(3.4w) 2024-02-14 15:58:54

BEIJING -- China's Ministry of Justice has pledged to enforce the rules of professional conduct for lawyers in the country, make efforts to curb illegal practices such as malicious speculation, and bolster self-discipline in the legal profession.

China pledges efforts to combat lawyer misconduct_https://www.izongheng.net_体育_第1张

To complete these tasks, the ministry has proposed a mechanism involving courts, procuratorates, judicial administration organs and bar associations to strengthen collaboration and cooperation on key shared-interest areas of work concerning lawyers.

In a statement, the ministry underscored the importance of guiding lawyers in China to serve the people through improved legal services, ensuring social fairness and justice.

Further actions will be taken to protect the rights of lawyers and foster favorable conditions for their work, the ministry said.

